equine services

We are committed to helping your horse stay healthy. In addition to providing dentistry, lameness exams, vaccinations and routine surgeries, we have facilities to provide follow up care for the difficult cases that need to be hospitalized.

Annual Coggins Testing

Annual Coggins Testing & Health Papers

A Coggins test is a simple blood test that is used to help prevent the spread of Equine Infectious Anemia. It is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Different states and horse events require Coggins testing and health certificates. Please plan ahead to ensure that we can get the test results back in time to get your health certificate.

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We are proud to offer equine dentistry and provide care for your horse’s entire oral cavity. A horse’s teeth and jaw function are vital to their overall well being, so dental care is an important part of your horse’s health.

We provide floating or horse in clinic. Proper dental care will ensure that your horse’s teeth are not causing discomfort, pain, or other potential health issues.

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Since horses have different vaccination needs, depending on where they live, if they travel, and what they do, we recommend discussing your horse’s vaccination schedule with us. Together we can start a schedule that will work for you and your new horse.

Horses typically don’t get vaccinations until they are several months old, depending on their needs. Some vaccinations are started at four months old and need to be boostered three to four weeks later. Some vaccinations are not given until a horse is five to six months old. Most of these also need to be boostered three to four weeks later.

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Full Line Of Vaccines And Retail Products

Retail Products

We continue the tradition of stocking our store so you can get everything you need for your animals health care in one visit. In addition to our products, we have the staff and the 40 years of records to ensure you are getting only what you need.

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